Break down your barriers to exercise: MOVE more and see your life change!

I know it has been said time and time again about the importance of exercise for your mental health and wellbeing... But it’s true!! I couldn’t be more thankful for being able to MOVE than I am right now, in this strange time where lounging at home can all too easily become the new normal. Whilst I’m still figuring out what’s best for me, those 30 minutes of alloted time for exercise outdoors is something I really look forward to, especially once I’ve stepped out into the brightness and warmth of the sun, hear the birds sing and feel the cool breeze. A walk, a run, a trip (for essentials only) to the shops... Whatever it might be, that fresh air hitting my face is something I’m incredibly thankful for.   

This time of isolation has so far, had me feeling all over the place with my emotions. I’ve been up and down and very overwhelmed at times. On one particularly tough day I went for a run in response to feeling really anxious and I was AMAZED at how it changed my frame of mind and attitude, I couldn’t quite believe it - GENUINE medicine. I do run regular(ish) anyway, but I’d never before felt a type of release like this (other than the amazing endorphin boost afterwards). It’s difficult to describe but my heart slowed down (even though I was sweating!), my tense body relaxed and my mind began to quieten. 

In my job I tell people who struggle with their mental health and wellbeing to give movement of any kind a go, and in THIS time I encourage it even more. As tensions are high and we are uncertain about what’s to come, this is my war cry to you: ‘give some daily movement a go!’

Why not try one (or more) of these:

  • For a bit of routine and a ‘go at your own pace’ workout: try PE with Joe @ 9am for 30 mins Monday-Friday. It’s good fun to involve your whole household!

  • The Couch to 5K app is a good challenge.

  • Golddigger Trust Press-Up 30 day challenge or the 7 mins of fitness video!

  • Fiit App for everything from stretching to sweating workouts

  • Dance tutorials on Youtube

  • Or just a pleasant walk near to where you live <3

I’d also encourage you to, like me, blog your experiences of how daily movement and exercise can really boost your mood during this time. Don’t underestimate its power - log your journey and you may be left positively surprised!

Blogging can be whatever you want, however you want to do it! Start simple with a few sentences each time, then add in some photos and videos when you’re feeling more confident and creative. There’s plenty of online resources you can use to help you - like Blogger for example!

Love Hannah x

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We are optimistic about how we can continue to have a positive effect on the lives of young people, even if we can't be with them in the same room. To make this a success, we are always reliant on the support of donations. We appreciate that these are tense times and for many, there are legitimate concerns about having enough. But if you could spare just a little to help us to continue offering fantastic support for the wellbeing and esteem of our young generation, at a time they need it most, we'd be wholeheartedly grateful. Please click here to make a donation. Thank you.

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