Golddigger Trust Joins the CSJ Alliance to Support Mental Health Policy

Here at Golddigger Trust, we're committed to advancing positive change across the youth sector, and influencing wider policy and practice to change the narrative for young people. We're delighted to have joined the CSJ Alliance at the Centre For Social Justice and to be working with them on their latest research around young people's mental health provision.

We recently welcomed Emily Wells, Researcher at the CSJ Foundation, to visit our Centre, and learn about the work we’re doing in Sheffield. She said: ‘We heard that there is a need for more wellbeing support as the narrative is currently around a clinical framework within the realm of mental health. We learned that many young people are increasingly being told that mental health is either diagnosable or not, but in reality, there’s a spectrum where most people experience varying levels of anxiety and depression. We heard how diagnosis can lead to young people seeing their problems as curable, or fixable, when in fact, life is difficult and learning to manage normal life stresses is important for wellbeing and leading a positive life.’

We're proud to announce that our Chief Executive, Beth, has been appointed as an Advisor to the project and will be contributing to this research, shaping their recommendations from the frontline. We hope this work has a continued and lasting impact on the young people we serve in Sheffield, and across the UK as these recommendations are presented to all the major political parties in the autumn. 


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