Take time to stop… and notice.

There is so much to be thankful for which is often right in front of your eyes. There may be loads of tough things and rubbish things too but choosing to look at the good and having gratitude for those small gems take our eyes off the rest of it and it’s ok to allow time to do that in the midst of a tough day.

Too rushed to slow down and notice anything right now? Breathing techniques can really help us to slow our minds and help us to be mindful.

Why not try some of these simple breathing techniques from Naomi and James from the Golddigger Trust Wellbeing team…

Screen Time

Lock down has forced so many of us onto screens to do our usual work, learning and social interactions… but it can take a toll on us and wear us out. Here are some tips to give us a break from staring at the screen from the second we get up…

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