How You Can Make a Difference to Sheffield's Young People

Did you know, in the first 5 months of 2023 alone we worked with 549 young people, ran 23 courses, and had teams based in 10 schools across Sheffield? This included group work based on self-esteem and confidence, supporting young people through change and uncertainty, and looking at tools young people can use to manage their emotions in times of crisis. 

Without the contributions from our incredible supporters, we wouldn’t be able to help so many young people discover their worth and grow in the confidence and skills they need to make positive choices.

Ever wondered what you could do to help support our work?

Support doesn’t always mean financial giving, so we’ve put together some different ways you can partner with us to invest in Sheffield’s young people!


There are loads of creative and fun ways to fundraise for Golddigger Trust - you could host a coffee morning, a quiz night or a cheese and wine evening and ask everyone to make a donation to take part. Or maybe you fancy a challenge and could get sponsored to run a 10k or give up chocolate for a month! Fundraising is a great way to have fun and contribute to a good cause. If you’re a Facebook user, why not run a fundraiser for Golddigger Trust for your birthday and ask your friends to donate instead of getting you a present!

Getting together

Lots of businesses and organisations donate to good causes, or offer Matched Giving schemes for their employees. Could you suggest Golddigger Trust as a nominated charity for where you work? Some companies even donate products (known as ‘gifts in kind’) that we can use - last year we received lots of wonderful bath bombs from Lush UK that we can give out to young people on our courses. Getting your organisation involved is a great way of sharing the work we do with others whilst also raising money. You could ask your church or school for example!

Sharing our work with others

Even though we’ve been working with young people for more than 17 years, there are still some people in and around Sheffield that haven’t heard of us! Why not talk to your friends about why you support us, and like and share our posts on social media to let people know about the great work we are doing. Or you can bring friends and family to one of our events, whether that’s getting a table together for a black tie fundraising dinner or assembling a team to take on the Golddigger Trust quiz!

Financial giving

Could you make a donation to Golddigger Trust? We rely on donations to keep our doors open and our services available to young people. Either a one off donation, or even committing to give some money each month - any amount you can give will make a massive difference! And for UK taxpayers donations go 25% further through Gift Aid. If you donated just the cost of a coffee each month, you would fund the start of a young persons journey - providing them with our welcome pack! Click here to donate today!


Good To Be Me: Summer Success


Golddigger Trust Launch Groundbreaking CORE Project in Sheffield Schools as part of SAFE Taskforce